Make-A-Wish Australia brings amazing people together to grant inspirational, life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. We've made unicorns fly, sent kids to the moon, and together with our Wish Force, we're on a mission to grant a wish for every eligible child.
We're incredibly proud of our 800+ strong volunteer network who operate in over 60 locations across every Australian state and territory.
Our volunteers help by raising awareness, fundraising and supporting local families, helping to capture a sick child’s true wish and bring it to life through all stages of the Wish Journey. They're on the ground and in communities, helping to grant the wishes of hundreds of critically ill children each year.
Tickets for the ball include a three-course dinner and drinks, together with outstanding entertainment.
RAN Band Tasmania Rock Band will be performing at this event.
See the Make-a-Wish Foundation website for more information.
29 July 2023,6:00 pm – 11:59 pm